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Writer's pictureJean Telelli


Updated: Mar 26, 2023

Whether you are a small business just starting up or a big established multi-billionaire business, you can’t ignore social media marketing for business growth in this fast-growing digital marketing era.

From driving traffic to your physical store to generating leads for your sales team, there is plenty that social media marketing can offer to help you grow your business. Plenty that not many businesses know yet how to use social media to grow their businesses.

If you are one of them, then keep reading to find out how you can use social media marketing for business growth.

Before we dive in, let's first take a look at what social media marketing is?

What is social media marketing?

There are many definitions of social media marketing on the internet. But just to make it simple for you, it is the process of using social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many others to market your products or services. Through these channels, you get to reach your target audience and interact with them.

How can I use it well to grow my business?

Now that you know what social media marketing is, without further adieu, let's dive in and see how you can use social media marketing for business growth.

Here are the tips we will go through in this article.

  • Have a social media marketing plan in place

  • Choose a social media channel you understand well

  • Learn from other businesses that are on social media

  • Leverage on social media advertising

  • Track your social media efforts

  • Get help from a social media marketing expert.

Have a social media marketing plan in place

A social media marketing plan is simply an outline that says what you will do to ensure you reach your goals as you market on social media. Take it as your marketing plan but only focus on social media marketing.

Some of the things your social media plan should address

  1. Your social media marketing goals

  2. Your target audience

  3. What channels you will use

  4. What contents you will post

  5. What strategies you will use to boost your social media presence

Once you have your social media marketing plan in place, use it as a roadmap to reach your goals. Have your team review what is working and what is not and update it accordingly so as to keep up with new trends.

Choose a social media channel you understand well

One of the mistakes I have seen many businesses make when it comes to social media marketing for business growth, is they try to be on every social media channel they come across. Before they master Instagram, you will see them jumping to LinkedIn, forgetting that different social media channels require different strategies and efforts to really get that benefit they want.

Unless you have a big team of social media experts, I suggest you take time to learn and explore one social media channel at a time. By doing this, you get enough time to grow on one channel and you can easily allocate well the limited resources to get the best results.

Also focusing on one channel can help you create the best social media marketing strategy for your business.

Learn from other businesses that are on social media

If you want your business to grow through social media marketing, this is one way to.

One of the benefits you can get from marketing on social media is the ability to see what others are doing and learn from that. You can learn their content strategy, what influencers they are using, what kind of social media advertisements they run, and even have access to their audience. Isn’t that what every business wants? To have all the secrets to success.

I remember when I was freelancing, one of the strategies I used to help businesses get the most out of social media marketing is learning from what similar businesses were doing.

This way I got to implement what really works rather than start with trial and error.

You can do this for your business too.

Leverage on social media advertising

If you are looking to reach a bigger audience on social media through posting, that might take a while. Instead of wasting all that time, leverage on social media advertising. This way you can reach a bigger audience in a short time, who may be interested in your services or products.

I believe you have seen many sponsored Ads on different social media channels. Well, those are examples of social media advertising. Different businesses have social media advertising as part of their social media marketing strategies. The goal for such a strategy is to ensure they boost their efforts to reach more people who would have taken them a long time to do so.

If you don't know how social media advertising works, don't worry. We can help you get started.

Track your social media efforts

Just like any other marketing strategy, to know whether what you are doing is working or not- track your efforts. If you don’t track your efforts it's hard to know when changes are needed.

By using insights and analytics available on different social media channels, you can see what is going on behind the scenes. You can see posts performance, the audience you are reaching, and more, how your audience interacts with your content.

There is no magic in this. You can't repeat the same mistakes and expect better results.

Get help from a social media marketing expert.

Social media marketing may look easy. Well, it’s just posting, right? Wrong. There is a lot that goes into social media marketing for business growth. If you really want your business to make money, social media marketing is more than posting. If you do everything and still feel you are not making progress, It's best you talk to an expert.

Talking to a social media marketing expert will not only help you unlock strategies you didn't once know but will also help you get your business back to its feet. This will help you make more sales and in turn more money.

Don’t wait until your team is exhausted and unmotivated. Book your social media marketing consultation with us today. We have helped many businesses to grow through social media marketing.

My final word to you.

Last but not least, social media is changing every time.

Your business will go through changes too.

If you want your business to grow on social media, you need to constantly learn new things that are introduced on social media channels.

Noting that growth takes time, don't be discouraged when things go slow. Instead, get help from social media marketing experts if you need quick and better results.

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